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Games for summer!

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view post Posted on 14/4/2010, 21:41

So so everyone~! Summer is about to come! And you know what we do during summer! We stay indoors and nerd out! yohahahahaha~
So let's do our best for this year not to be as terrible as last one was! And all of you now it was pretty bad...So that's why i figured we shoulda try do this list sooner this year. I know you all pretty busy with school and work and wathever, but still i guess we can find some free time for good ol'ToA~ Anyway. I hope you guys have been playing/played an interesting game this year, and want to share it with ToA. I, for one, am downloading "Fantasy Earth ZERO" it's a F2P game , seems original enough and fun too, since its not the old click and kill type of game, seems to have some pretty interesting features to 50 vs 50 pvp and the such. Well I'll be telling you guys about it this weekend, if i decide its good enough to make it to our list~ See you soon!
view post Posted on 16/4/2010, 09:39

Never heard of it, but tell me how it is ^^. Dunno how busy I'll be this summer, but I'm thinking I'll be very busy if I do summer school. I'll try my best though (seeing I'm usually crazy active anyways even when I shouldn't right now haha).
view post Posted on 17/4/2010, 02:15

Hello everyone, this is fade! Live from Fantasy Earth ZERO!
anyway, I'll make a some sort of review while i play the game for you guys...
First impressions... uuuh~! the game start menu is pretty fancy~ there are, aparently, only 3 avaible classes, warriors, scouts, and mages. I'll go for Warrior for now, they are always handy...Made my character...Hmm Well the graphics are kinda weak really... but i wonder if this means the game actaully runs faster~Hmmm this game works with a nation system..guess this means theres alot of nation vs nation battles, bet their fun~
Kay~ I'm in the game!! Hmm all this ambient really reminds me of FF tactics..but i can't expect a square enix game to be like final fantasy just cause its square enix...then again the gryphons sound like an old school chocobo...
OH! it seems like Hitoshi Sakimoto made the soundtrack for this game! no wonder it reminds me of Ivalice games! This game made the soundtrack for games like FFT and vagrant history!
Ok, the graphics ain't big deal , but the soundtrack makes up for it! On to the gameplay we go!
I picked Hordaine's nation~ I like the name Hordaine, not to mention the artwork for it is amazing~
Hmm the gameplay sure adds more action than the mmorpgs we usually play. So how does this differs from other mmorpgs gameplay you ask~
In this game you have to get close to the monster (at least with warriors, think imma be a scout after all) and when you have enough range of attack the circle surrounding the monster goes red, this means you can attack it, so you press left click for wich blow you execute...hmm the way they attack...somehow resembles danmaku..DANMAKU! come on ! throw those attacks at me! The hell is that!? only one fireball!? throw me dozens!! ...please execuse me~ `*ahem* . Sounds pretty boring no? I mean you have to go all close to the enemy then you just click and wait for it to die...Not very diferent from average mmorpgs...Except that here you don't wait to die/kill , the monster attacks you in ways you have to dodge (and maybe block, but i dunno if block is possible~) for instance this guys are throwing me small waves, i have to dodge them~ Like danmaku! SPELLCARD! It's actually pretty nice. The usage of skills doesn't differ all that much from what i can see, You pick your skill then you pres left click and you'll cast it~
'Kay gonna create a scout , guess scouts were made to explore right? ok, let's do it. Somehow , the game is actually playing a bit laggy on my computer...Maybe i have to descrease the quality of the graphics~how pathetic~
Oh! guess this must be my first quest!! I have to get this letter to a soldier, the npc is telling me to pick the red one for starters...i don't care i'mma take the yellow one! oh its a quest that leads to other quest!
OH! this quest is in the middle of war~cool, they actually have a pretty nice war system, kinda hard to explain tho~
So i have to constructe obelisks, but for that i need to collect 15 crystals, good, seems like the obelisks give constant hp damage to the enemies territory. I guess i start to get the glimpse on how real wars work on this game. There are miners, that have to extract crystals, then they trade their crystals with someone to build an obelisk , so it can damage and defend the enemies territory(?) .
seems like i lost tho! BLAST IT! so imma try the next mission "the soldier and the giants" , this time it seems like i have to summon a soldier...Nop, my theory was wrong, seems like this crystal are needed to summon too. So i assume the whole war spins around these.

Edited by EvilFlan - 17/4/2010, 03:46
view post Posted on 17/4/2010, 02:46

Whoa~you don't actually summon a soldier, you morph into a odin-like soldier! Then you go galoping with your hosey till you find ulgy blue rednecks with cannons, then your divinly pierce them, how poetic. Eh~from level 1 to 8~quite the improvement! Let's check out the next mission!!
ah...these maps still confuse me ... Anyway that's it for today, it's a bit late~so imma just go to bed~i'll continue this tomorrow~byebye~
view post Posted on 17/4/2010, 14:54

Ah Ivalice music... <3 Archadia theme song.

Anyway! Hmm, sounds interesting~ Especially with that dodge/block feature thing, would that mean it's easy to get finger cramps? D= The wizard/mage thing on the official website reminds me of Gandalf/Dumbledor lol. But erm, chea... the sound effects for when you're getting hit/attacking... get really annoying? Hmm... But as you said, the music sounds really nice~ Very suited to the atmosphere.

Will you be trying out other games? (I hope you've been doing your homework~ Kekeke) And sorry for not having a game to showcase =(
view post Posted on 17/4/2010, 15:37

Hmm i didn't really get annoyed at the sound effects..I'm usually focused on the music x3 Besides i haven't got much battle experience just yet. I've only fought 5 monsters and a bunch of giants in my knight form..
I may try out other games...depends on my time and how i like this game.. and yes don't worry I've been doing my homeworks haha~ Also, don't worry about that, maybe after summer you'll try something then you'll tell us about it~
Also, Done with the yellow letter quests, With was really fun, i turned into a dragon! a giant! and a knight!

Edited by EvilFlan - 17/4/2010, 22:00
view post Posted on 17/4/2010, 18:05

seems like this is a outfit in the game
does it resemble someone's outfit?

Today i tried the game agian, it's really good, even better now that lag descreased..aparently the ping has raised ever since OB2..Hope they fix it soon.

Anyway, I think I've played enough to point out reasons to play/not to play this game!
Here are some good reasons why we should play this:
-The gameplay is really diferent from normal games (wich makes the game a hellavuh lot different , the stats work differently, (since dodging depends on the players ) etc-etc-) , you can jump , dodge, run, whatever! You can do whatever you want in a battle, really gives it a bit of realism, its a bit like S4, altough not as fast paced. Sometimes you'll have to think of schemes to win a battle, Playing in a team is even more fun.
-The wars are incredibly fun and will need alot of co-work to win! Nations fight agaisnt nations (wich nation seem to have their own personality, for instance Netz seems to have low population, but seem to be very organized) , you can summon 5 types of beasts, a divine knight riding a horse, a ugly blue giant with canons, a dragon, a chimaera and a wraith, or you could just go as a human it seems. (albeit ...I only fought in a war agaisn't npcs, and didn't get to use a chimaera or a wraith, so i can only assume real wars are much more fun) Furthermore, the wars seem to be constant, so if its 2 am and your all like "yeah, lets go for a war" you can do it, in fact you can even create a room in the colloseo (even tho its not a room based game) to have a war with your friends!
-You seem to be able to change class without having to create a new character, however your character will turn to level 1 (the old class will remain the same level it was, so you can come back any time) (or so i think.)
-The ambient of the game is very original! the music composed by hitoshi sakimoto ,the art, the backgrounds, the buildings and the characters will remind you of old school square enix epic games! Such as Final fantasy tactics, Final fantasy IX or Vagrant story (a bit of FFXII tho minus the steampunk), futhermore, this game is an incredible final fantasy fans rat hole (you'd be amazed at how many people name their characters Cloud) and there are some tiny references to final fantasy series, such as the Kweh! or Biggs on the central square.
-When your [male] character dies, he sounds like Tidus.

Not-so-good aspects...
-The graphics are kinda bad, cause this game came out in 2006 in japan..tho if your not a graphic fanatic i guess it won't be much of a bother.
-Since OB2 started it seems like ping has increased...we can only hope this will be fixed soon.
-The customization is very limited..much like you see in the average mmo, so don't think you can stay 2 hours to create your character like you did in PW!
-The quests lack information...This means that whenever you get a quest, not just the game won't warn you you recieved a quest (so you have to pay attention to what the npc is saying) it won't give you information at all! for instance, i got this quest from a guard and he was all like "oh i'd like some cheese..but i can't go get it cause im on duty" and i was all like "well if your on duty then deal with it!" just then iwent to my quest window and i saw i had a quest from him, but guess what, no information at all, so i had to ask around, good thing the community is actually pretty friendly~
(i'mon my mission to get cheese right now btw~).

Overall I think this game is really refreshing , completly diferent from what we're used to, and i challenge you guys to try it too and tell me what you think about it.

so if i had to actually give it a score from 0-10 i'd give it...maybe..a 8.5 or something. (no game has ever made it to 10! not even KH! (cause it was too short so its on 9.8!))

Today i tried a real war, It is amazing!! Seriously! dragons flying! giants firing huge canon balls, knights striking, Wraiths slashing!!
It works pretty much like i deduced, There are miners getting crystals, after getting the same number of crystals as their level , they deposit on someone (a "bank") who will use them to turn into a creature , anyone can be a bank, just has to announce it.
Each creature has their very own role in a war. Knights are used to take down other summon units.
Giants are specialized in being ugly..ahem i mean, in taking down buildings and such, they are slow, but very powerfull.
Dragons, Well i think Dragons work a little like the Giants and Knights, the one time i used it was in a solo mission, and it took down both monsters and buildings alike, also, these fly! Oh and, to summon a dragon, you'll need a bit more than crystals, it seems you'll also need a dragon soul(wich is a item).
I don't know what are the role of Chimeras or Wraiths...So I guess I'll need a little more experience...

The crystals also work to create buildings (in fact you'll need to create buildings), Obelisks, and you learn about them in the beggining, protect your territory and increases it! The more obelisks you seed on the enemies territory, the more territory you'll have.
There is also the War workshops, these serve so you can summon giants
When we start , theres only a castle, from there you can summon Knights
and the gates of hell , from wich you summon wraith.
These are all the buildings i know of~

But other than this, you can just leave the whole crystal system to others, and go fight, these fights get to 100 players, that's 50vs50 players! It's really thrilling!

oh I also made a ToA guild in the Gevrandia empire. Why I picked this continent? Well..First . it reminds me of the pirate bay in FFXII, you know , it's all badass. It seems that the king is a scout ~ wich makes him badass, not to mention he's alot of kitte-nii..and even has a brother! The emperor's goal is a society of equality ~ I like that~ in fact reminds me of europe after France's try on liberalism...ah i'm spacing out. Other than the history facts, It seems like Gevrandia empire army doesn't win very fact we lost quite a bit , so i tought i could do them a favor and join, maybe someday with ToA. has EMPIRE, on its name...while others are Alliances or know EMPIRE just has that toneof awesomeness..*plays star war's soundtrack*

Edited by EvilFlan - 18/4/2010, 20:57
view post Posted on 23/4/2010, 04:46

That Cloud costume is so typical.. u_u'

Anyway~! Fade! I downloaded that game and installed it and stuff... But when I tried to play it, it wouldn't update/connect to the server. I thought that was the worse of the problem so I decided to just wait a while and surf the internet. But when I tried to open any internet browser, my computer froze! So I restarted my compy hoping it was just a one off, but it was still doing that! D= Nothing would load anymore, kept being unresponsive and etc.. Couldn't even go on Xfire! I uninstalled it immediately and deleted all its files and now, the internet is working but now it starts up really slow and badly. From that, I've come to the conclusion that I will never ever play this game. I'm sorry Fade, I'm not blaming you, but count me out of this game. Chea... That is all. =(
view post Posted on 23/4/2010, 22:39

Wah~! I'm so sorry 'bout that!! Nothing really happened on my fact it went really smooth...but...If you can't play..I guess i'll look for another game for all of us... I don't think we would get used to this one anyway, tho i imagined us making awesome figures on the wars~haha
view post Posted on 24/4/2010, 22:09

Well , since Misty is out of the game , I veto this game! And since my word is law in here~
But since i took some interest on this game, I looked for some that would have similiar gameplay~ It seems games like these are getting popular now-a-days, I'd say everyone is getting tired of the same old click and wait to kill or be killed type of gameplay.
Anyway I found two games inside this genre (altough im possitive there's many more) , One of them is Wild planet, It seems to have lots of neo-steampunk to it, the style is rather diferent from the normal Anime or Realistic game graphics, it's more like western animation or something. Either ways it's still only out on Korea, and in CB..So i guess we could play it next summer or something.,1.shtml Here is the game's page on

The other game seriously grabed my attention, Maybe you guys already heard of it, Land of chaos online (A.k.a Loco) , it has like 30 possible characters (or something like that), it's by alaplaya, we know it from S4, much like S4 it has fast paced gameplay, however it seems like it has some strategy to it too, Everyone loves strategy. The graphics are pretty awesome too ! and according to the makers of the game, the requirements are quite average...let me look for 'em
Minimum: Intel Core2 Duo Processor, 1GB Ram, GeForce 6600
Recommended: Intel Core2 Duo Processor , 2GB Ram, GeForce 7600
It's still quite something tho...

Other than these two, I also find Lime odyssey, some people say it looks alot like a cute version of final fantasy / Final fantasy Crystal chronicles. I for one am not sure~ But it seems cute alright.
Kitte-nii also mention a game , from Perfect world entretainment , "a game that's like Aion, just free" I wonder what game is it...Hope we'll tell us about it soon right~?

OH! i think i know what game kitte-nii is talking about!! Must be "Battle of Immortals"!
It actually looks quite good!! Like a mix between two of ToA's favourite games! Trickster x Perfect World!
Take a look
The animation is really smooth, i love it! Anyway, it's still on closed beta...Probably won't last for long! and it seems like there is a ingame feature that will give us a salary! Literally ! Like with a salary we'll be able to shop those real-money items!! That just sounds cool~

Also i think imma try Hero 108 for today , seems like a fun fast paced type of game, Tho its not the game i picture myself playing with everyone, i can imagine playing this with mimi tho~

Edited by EvilFlan - 24/4/2010, 23:27
view post Posted on 24/4/2010, 22:29 actually i won't it looks kinda suckish...

Sucks the game's still on closed beta..I applied but so far i didn't recive a mail, anyway, Imma download the game.

OH! good i got a beta key! seems like i'm gonna be able to play this after all!! Anyway I'm going to send my account username and password to misty and shin, in case you guys want to try it yourselves, and since all characters are probably gonna be destroyed after closed beta we can actually share this account.
Also i just noticed I seem to post too much in this post..Guess i have too much freetime during weekends...

[Edit] hmm..I don't actually know what to say about this game...So far nothing amazingly fun fact the gameplay is rather dull..
It's the same point and click type of gameplay, Nothing amazing about it really, you damage, you get damaged, you heal, you move on.

About the quests...I'm not sure about this either, as i've only done the begginers quest, But when you recive a quest you can just kill the name of the NPC/Monster and you'll automaticly head there..this also happened in Pw, and even tho it gives off a bit of a feeling of automatization it's actually pretty comfortable ~
other than that i don't think i have anything else to say about it, You go kill the monsters, you get back, you get the exp, you get the next quest, and so on...

The customization of this game however...It sucks balls! No seriously, it's really weak, and not just in terms of appearance ....
anyway you get a fews hairstyles and faces, completly unlike Perfect world you don't get to make your character look like you! or anything! You pick one of the few hairtstyles/faces and your done.
You can actually pick wether your character looks like a high level guy
Or a gay poweranger.
(Yes, that's the begginer's set, don't you find it fabulous?! You can actually pick one of these appearances, the latter is changed according to your equipments, while the first is premanent (?) )

But this doesn't really matters, right? I mean we played tricked, and we really almost no customization in there right? But in trickster you could pick something like a "path" for your character, right? If you made a Sheep you could pick an alliance in between elements, such a earth&fire or Water&wind, well in this game you don't get to do stuff like that at all! The skill system works by levels, so you learn skills as you level up, however won't this turn our characters like all the other characters in the game? However i heard that there is a skill trainer, that is, he can buff our skills, i assume that way we don't all turn into the same character.

The graphics are actually pretty nice and pretty! the whole everyonment is great too! Curiously ,like trickster, this game also starts in a desert (that has lots of grass and trees to it! Like paradise!!) and the tutorial ends once you beat a huge scorpion on a pyramid dugeon.
Even tho the Game is a 2.5D you can zoom your camera, and like this it seems to be a normal 3D game , however you actually can't move it in the directions you want, so you can't see monster/map making it hard to fight/walk, so for awhile (The producers seem to be doing lots of tunning to the game, so its possible that camera movement will be free, maybe.) you have to stick with 2.5 even if you don't like it (I for one don't really care~).

The pet system is very similiar to the way venomancers tamed their pets on PW, but this time you actually have to defeat the pet, and ,with some luck, after you kill it , it'll reappear and you'll have the option to tame it. It seems like you can just recive pet eggs too...speaking of reciving, The game seems to give you lots of random gifts...Dunno why tho.
image The koala was a gift, since mimi told me their fierce i decided to keep it~ Also, the pet grows like a character, so you have to pick the stats you'll add as they level.

OH! i also forgot to mention of certain special items! Like a clown transformer!! Seems like there are certain items that can morph you into creatures! boosting certain states~ I recived a item that'd transform me into a clown~ It's so cool~
I think it booted my Magic and Evasion by 10 points. But only lasted for 30 minutes. If only i could play like that constantly~

Anyway, that's pretty much it, I've already sent my account to you guys, so if you feel like trying it out , be sure to write something afterward, also you can use my character if you wish, He's only a level 17, but still~

Edited by EvilFlan - 25/4/2010, 20:51
view post Posted on 26/4/2010, 14:29

If you guys still wanna play Fantasy Earth Zero then by all means~ Sorry to have made you guys fall back. Speaking of which, the Aussie Government is again talking about the whole censorship of the internet thing/we're copying China's rules but erm... yeah. I hope that has nothing to do with as to why I can't seem to play these games anymore... But I'll start downloading these new ones you've mentioned. Ah... Which exactly should I try out first?

About Battle of Immortals... OH DEAR! XD Firstly, I'm surprised you can't instant kill those enemies... I mean, what are you wearing???! I do hope you get a new outfit soon! Secondly, that representation of the Koala is amazing. Does it really have the need for the saw though? Lol. And finally, that clown morph skill looks awesome, I could totally imagine you creating chaos with that! But, you're quite small no? Hmm~ Interesting. Thank you for the account thing, I'll have to download it first. Oh, wouldn't there be a problem if multiple ppl try to log on at the same time? =o

Chea~ A lot to download this week or so. I'll tell you how I go with this lot, hopefully they'll work. u_u'
view post Posted on 26/4/2010, 16:05

Shut up~when i say i veto the game i mean i VETO the game, either ways i don't think it's that sort of game y'know~? So it's alright ! Don't worry at all~!
But i really hope aus-chan doesn't just go around blocking mmorpgs...

I know right~! I feel like screaming "MORPHHH" everytime i equip something haha~ And yeah, the koala is really awesome~ and kinda cute too!
oh and don't worry about multiple people logging in at the same time, i doubt that'll happen at all~
view post Posted on 1/6/2010, 22:45

Anyway, now that i have some more time avaiable, and since no one else aparently does...I'll play a new game, called Allods online, it looks rather promising~
Also I'm working on a new ToA logo/Emblem, since we never really settled this question, I hope i get to finish it soon.
view post Posted on 3/6/2010, 15:27

I'm done with allods...Seriously other than some cool classes and races, the game was just like any other...That's boring! even tho i didn't play it for too long..Still you guys should feel free to try it, i couldn't enjoy it much, mainly cause of all the lag i was getting. Either ways I'm uninstalling it.
I also found out a game that has been talked about for quite some time...Maybe you guys heard of it? Runes of Magic online. Well you probably did, seems like a famous game, Still it looks really really good, in fact, so good i can't belive i havent heard of it yet, I came across it when i was looking for new mmos, on youtube, i saw this guys review on it... here it is if you guys are curious ~
anyway the game is called an actual "wow clone" (Bet you guys already heard of the wow clone trolls, doesn't really matter) but yeah...anyway, the game has really interesting features, like double class (once you reach level 10 i belive) , your own house, stuff like that, When i first saw the graphics i thought "yeah right no way i can play this one my computer" but turns out, i just might be able to...
Minimum system requirements:
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent
RAM: 512MB
Required hard disk space: 5.3GB
Graphics card: DirectX 9.0c compatible with 128MB RAM
Broadband Internet connection
Keyboard and mouse

Considering how pretty it looks i guess this is actually good~ (even tho i don't understand much of it...). Now what really worries me is the lag...Anyway, downloading it now...oh CRAP! the download is huge...Well...guess it makes sense..I'm heading out!

Oh boy oh boy! I almost crossed the limit! Worse is..the month has just started...i guess this means i'll be downloading nothing, absolutly nothing for this month...and vacations start this month too~aaaw..Well anyway, since i really can't download any more...i really hope this game is worth it.
I'm still installing took me like 2 consecutive days to download it, right now the setup is at like 70%...Seriously the game's huge.

Even tho the game seems to be pretty good...I doubt i'll be able to play it like this, i lag like crazy
I'd update my graphic driver...tho i have no idea how to do it~? Maybe i should buy some more RAM too...

anyway... here are my first impressions on the game~
So i runned the game , everything was lagg..cough i mean fine,
I created my character, there are 6 classes ( Scout, rougue, warrior, knight, mage, healer , I belive i'm not forgeting any of them)
I got into the world, and I took the tutorial, seemed like a perfectly
normal mmo tutorial, lil text boxes appear, and they tell you to move, yadda yadda, then comes your first quest...
so there's this lady, living in the middle of nowhere, no, not nowhere, in a middle of a forest of shrooms...So i clicked her
I get my quest, kill a few spidies...and how shocked wasn't I, when sudently, a talking dog walking on two legs comes out of the house behind her, and
starts rushing me to kill the spiders from the quest, THE DOG WALKED ON TWO LEGS! and wanted me TO KILL GIANT SPIDERS!'bout this time i started wondering
if my characters was:
a) From a disney movie
b) wasted
Well...with the help of the talking dog and 3 other wolves (i don't even know why were there wolves..i assume it's just to look cool...) I defeated the spiders,
cool! *victory fanfare* but then ! TANTANTAAAAAN~ the giant king spider appear!! and the plot thickens!So i fought her, of course she wasn't hard...
she was just a giant from a tutorial level..But it shot fire! That's right an arachnedea shot fire at me! Cool eh?
So i went back , apparently the lady owns the three wolves too, 'cause y'know, it's perfectly live alone, in a
forest filled with shrooms, with a talking dog and three wolves.*Coughcough* crazydoglady*cough cough*
Oh i came outta that dreadful pit into a more, mmorpg-like place, a little village with villager, oh boy! quests!
oh, you also get a horse from the crazy dog lady...yeah she had a horse and she gave it to you, for killing a few spiders her dogs could easily kill.
So I'm soon sent to kill a few other monsters on the new village, giant shrooms that peacefully walk around with a carrot like umbrella, young wolves...
Ya'know mindless carnage.
And this was around the time i stop, 'cause there was too much lag for me to continue playing without take some measures...

Edited by EvilFlan - 5/6/2010, 01:40
17 replies since 14/4/2010, 21:41   233 views