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Question of the Week #9

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view post Posted on 4/12/2009, 00:38

Oks, Im going to try my best not to make this one depressing or any other negative emotions >.<;; So lets see how far I can get @.@: (Can he do it? Can he really?) x.x; Anywho's, here we goes.

Boss: "We have a new mission for you rookie"

You: *yawns* "Huh? oh, what is it this time"

Boss: "I wish you'd take this job more seriously, the only reason I can't fire you is that you're the best agent here. Hmph, anyways, we need you to do a surveillance task for us. We've located the main ToA base and we need information about each of the members in it"

You: "Hmm, that sounds easy enough. TEAM! I want you guys to take out the surveillance van and-"

Boss: "No, that won't be necessary because you're doing this mission alone."

You: "Uh, are you crazy? How can I do this alone? We need to put up hidden cameras around the vicinity and that'll take at least a week to do it alone. Aren't these guys the big leagues? If we're going to do this, we gotta do this fast or else they'll catch on!"

Boss: "Which is why we're not going to bother with any of the cameras or other fancy technological devices this time. They're too smart to let their guard down, we'd most likely lose more men that way. Instead, we want you to breach their headquarters and infiltrate each of their rooms to find information about who they are. We'll jam their security cameras so you won't have much time, so just remember one unique thing you see in each of their rooms."

You: "One unique thing to set them apart, I got it! Just leave it to me, I'm like 007, just sexier >=D"

Boss: *Clears throat* "Ok, good luck agent, you have exactly 2 hours from now. Better get on the move"

You: "Roger."

-2 hours later-

You: "Phew, that was a close one, hope the stuff I remembered was good enough *You write down the names of each member and an item beside their names* "Oks, this should do"

Question: What is one unique item found in each of the ToA member's rooms?
view post Posted on 4/12/2009, 08:32

Me:We'll, its a very odd thing.
Boss: what is?
Me: everyone has a picture of this Prowned character on their walls- its like everywhere!

view post Posted on 4/12/2009, 16:32

hahahah, oh we must have all been subjected to collective hypnosis.

Well, let me try my best.

J-song ( position:sub-leader) - A color changeing guitar...with chiken meat stickers all over it?

Fade ( position: sub-leader) An EC shrine???!!!

Misty (position: illustrator) J's jellyfish cap?

Val ( position: goremaster) An army of exploding penguins.

Zakioz ( position: prowner) A printer and ninja suit - he used them for all those pictures in the other's rooms

I'm sorry for those I've ( intentionally w) 2 hours is hardly enough time to travel around the world.
view post Posted on 4/12/2009, 22:44

Oh me~? I'd have a Bed, definetly, every rooms need it.
kitte-nii would have a kage, and pointy objects.
Jay would have a guitar, yes, a guitar of course.
Mischy? Why that's obvious~She'd have billions of fluffy plushies~
Val, something sadistic! Maybe..A FLANDRE SCARLET!
Who the heck is Zackioz? and what is an EC shrine?
do we need to post titles?
view post Posted on 5/12/2009, 09:41

E.C - E.C I wonder what it could be.

Of course you don't have to post titles I was just having fun. Zakioz is Prowned does that help? w
view post Posted on 5/12/2009, 13:05

OH! EC!!!
Wait how come i didn't even thought bout that?! of course i have one!
view post Posted on 11/12/2009, 12:08

Kekeke... the intro para... Anyway, here are my ‘findings’

Shin: A yummy Magic Bonsai Cherry Tree!
JaSon (Bwahaha with Kei & Mari): Mini Fridge, possibly with dead animals inside... or maybe a Loli xD
Fade: Muky~u Papa Squall’s Jacket! x3
Fully: FMA plushie set? I has taken the Edward plushie as proof ^^
Val: A Chainsaw?
Kei: A box of Ketchup Flavoured Chips.
Zakioz: Printer Ink Cartridges? (To go with the printer?)

Nii~ Why would I has J’s Jellyfish hat? It’s prob. covered in cootees, besides, we have HEAPS of them in Australia.

<3 Fade~ I actually only have a couple of plushies in real life, Spicy gets jealous easily.
view post Posted on 11/12/2009, 15:11

oh of course~ That jealous cutie~
Haha papa's jacket~~of course i have it ~
view post Posted on 14/12/2009, 21:20

Sorry I haven't been on here for a lil while, but I'll finally answer my own question haha.

Shin: Rum + other liquids to mix it with. Rum and orange juice perhaps? haha
Kage: All the guitars and equipment I want (*.*)
J: A customized guitar with Tanaka painted on it, haha jk jks.
Fade: Ground littered with paper, and each paper having a ToA comic idea on it :O!!
Misty: A mobile suit gundam with the code name S.P.I.C.Y. ready to save her from any intruders
Fully: A life sized Edward doll to ogle at
Val: Harboring the only flying penguins in the world...with bombs attached to them
Banat: Gardevoir and Mewtwo? eww... and a FF-tactics for every game console
Boom: The One And Only alcohol bottle and every recent shooting game there is haha.
Cee: A laptop with a disobedient screen, and pictures of herself in poses
Seville: Fishing rod with a dollar attached to it.
Kei: A violin to rock out with
Mari: Projects everywhere to work on and one sleep deprived Mari procrastinating
Saurabh (wherever he may be): Loads of beer in the fridge and hopefully not a deportation notice back to India on his desk.
Heather: Survival gear and canned food just in case it doesn't work
Yuna: Everything Japanese hehe.

Edited by JSong - 16/12/2009, 05:09
view post Posted on 16/12/2009, 00:02

Shin: Many random fight tickets
J: 2 fridge full of food and a loli poster in his room (hiden... maybe) ....
Fade: instructions to "stalker eyes"
Misty: comic sketches
Saurabh: a motorbike....

gomen gomen... i wasn't here long enough to know the rest of the group -_-
view post Posted on 16/12/2009, 05:09

HEATHER IS BACK?! :O!!!! welcome backs to the internet world :O!! hehe. How did you manage without it? @.@:;
view post Posted on 16/12/2009, 05:55

lols no clue.... i guess coz of the work load.... sigh
im just back for a few days tho.....
view post Posted on 23/12/2009, 14:39

Nonsense J, I don;t keep alcohol in my room, mostly because it's too warm and it would ruin the taste ( are you trying to make me sound like an alcoholic?) and better stay away from the stufff Kage has and you would want, he hired Val's penguins for security
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