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MMO List, A List with MMOs even played/would like to try

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Flans are delicious
view post Posted on 8/10/2010, 21:21

So i've come to notice that we use lists of MMOs quite often, so we might as well make a big list for all of them.
I will start with a few i've played/Would like to try, you guys be sure to add your favourites too!

Secret of Solstice
This game plays alot like Ragnarok online, and looks alot like it too... It's pretty cute, but might not be the best in this genre~ (i wonder if what i just said is correct~?)
It has 4 classes:
Squire (Warrior)
Apprentice (Wizards)
Neophyte (Hunter)
Acolytes (Cleric)

Ragnarok Online
Pretty old game, even tough i don't know much about it used to be P2P and now is a F2P game, Even after so long it somehow remains pretty populer (A sequel is underdevelopment, but it might take a while for it to be released..)
It has many classes... here you have a link to check them all out :
check also:

Shin Megami Tensei : Imagine Online (AKA Megaten)
I haven't got too far in this game either...all i know about it is that it belongs to a rather famous franchise (i belive the Shin megami Tensei franchise is related to the Persona games?) and it has a very very deep pet system , wich even allows you to fuse them~ you can even get to use Atlus' mascot: the charismatic Jack Frost (and his siblings~)!
I don't think this game had any specific class...

Swords of the New World (AKA Sword 2 (?))
Maybe Boom knows alot more about this game then me...If i recall correctly i think Boom played it when me and mimi(?) joined it for awhile...i don't remenber much of what happened next, but i think his guild was really nice to him, till i was like "I don't care bye~" I shoulda have been more polite =3=~
Anywho, not just this game looks incredible as it also plays pretty damn well~ Unlike other games , in SotNW you play as a "family" , wich means you control 3 diferent characters , after that is all tactics. Either ways its definetly fun to play~

Fantasy Earth Zero
This game is a bit of a mix between tactical and action gameplay~
It has high enphasis on PVP ...erm.. wars. It's not a bad game, but you may grow bored of it pretty quickly...
It has 3 classes:
It also allows you, if certain conditions are met, to morph into great monsters (6 monsters I think?) wich can change the tides of battle, wich of them has their particular role (giants are used to destroy towers, Knights to destroy other monsters, etc.) don't forget them if you don't want your team to go mad at you~ (wich is about.. 300 players?)

Bright Shadow (Haven't played yet)
This is probably your average cutsy mmorpg. I don't know much about it, it doesn't seem very bad...But i'm still not very interested in it.
The following classes are included in the game~

Machinist (They seem to act like a mix between archers and merchants? perhaps they're like Lions in Trickster?=
Shaman (Healer)

Cloud nine (Haven't played it yet)
Even tho it's another lovely cutsy MMORPG this one caught my attention for some reason..maybe i'm just a sissy girl deep there? Who knows. Anywho this game seems interesting~ it looks pretty nice and fun, but then again i ain't gonna play it by myself =3=
Cloud nine has 6 different classes:

Rising Force online (AKA RF online)
Oh me and this game have a sorta love/hate kind of relationship, even tho i play it with passion when i play it, i soon grow lonely and quit... Mostly because the RF community is base of the Highbies~who are ...i dunno level 40? and participate in Raids and Chip wars and stuff (wich is probably the reason they play it on the first place). The game has a pretty interesting sci-fi everionment, and every player seem to be erm...what's the word? Etnocentric (?) about their race wich makes the whole wars alot more fun. A bad thing about this may be the lack of comunication with other races (Basicly to speak to someone of the others races you'll have to get a certain item), even though that somewhat contributes to the whole race pride kind of thing, and the bad comunity (at least in early levels)
This game has 4 Classes that change according to your race:
-Bellato Union
Warriors (2-hand Sword/Sword&Shield)
Mages (Use elemental magic)
Ranger (Guns/Bows)
Specialist (pilot gundam like mechas, that work somewhat like Tanks)
-Holy Cora Alliance
Warriors (2-hand Sword/Sword&Shield)
Mages (Magic and summons)
Ranger (Guns/Bows)
Specialists (Crafters(?))
-Accrecita Empire
Warriors (2-hand Sword/Sword&Shield)
(No mage Class)
Rangers (They get to wield huge canons..i just dunno at what level that happens ~)
Specialist (Crafters(?))

Dream of Mirror Online (AKA DOMO)
Even tho it looks so cute it has a very distinct style , and over 13 playable classes! It also has pretty fresh designs. DOMO has 4 Races, however (i think) races don't have much diference in terms of gameplay.
You can check the classes here :

Ys Online (America/Asia IP block)
Another game from a famous Franchise, tho this one doesn't offer much innovation~ It's still a pleasing game that looks and plays smooth~

Valkyrie Sky
This game plays alot like Touhou games (in fact there's alot of Touhou inspiration here, even in the soundtrack, tho that could be excused since dBu (the group who composed most of this game's soundtrack) also did many arranges for Touhou songs)
SPOILER (click to view)
Probably not the best example, but i bet you can hear some similiarities in these two soundtracks?

Anywho, if you're not a fun of Shmups/bullet hell games, this game might get boring very fast, not to mention it doesn't look very pretty...and its a bit laggy.
Theres a
Mage Class
Warrior Class
Hunter Class
Summoner class

Oh! I like this one alot too!! its somewhat similiar to RF online, Three Races, each with its variant of the same class, nice settings, nice gameplay, lots of mini-bosses to play around with, a very cool archlord system wich allow the strongest character of the game (i think this is decided by tournaments?) gets amazing skills that allow him to control cities economies, and even the weather!!! I remenber playing this game as a summoner and enjoying it very much.
There are three classes
I don't know what's the diference, but i know it changes according to the race you pick (Moonelves get to be elementalists/summoners if you pick the Mage class but a human/orc mage is just a normal mage.)


Aika Online [ IP block]
Oooh this game looked so tasty!! If you the global version blocks IPs from NA, Canada and Brazil, so watch out cause there's a NA version that allows all these countries. I can't say much of the game cause i'm still playing it, but so far im lovin' it~
The classes are gender locked though~...well somewhat, there are 6 classes, that somehow work as the 3 primary classes (hunter, mage , warrior), but more subdivided by genre...
-Warrior (Male)
-Paladin (Female)
-Warlock (M)
-Cleric (F)
-Riffleman (M)
-Dual Gunner (F)

Allods online (Almost P2P)
UUUH!! This game was so good! It had very fresh designs! lots to do in character customizations, lots of races with their own variation of certain jobs (summoners, necromancers, warrior , berzerkers , etc)
awesome monsters, a espetacular Airship system! and yet Gpotato ruined it by making it almost P2P! I don't quite understand what they did but according to the update notes, they made all the monsters nearly impossible to kill unless you own a certain item that has to be bought with real cash, so yeah...they made this game P2P even tho they promised it'd be F2P, really sucks ~
(but it was so gooood~T^T)

Uncharted waters
I dunno what's happeniiing~ I have this game on my desktop right now~but i really dunno what i'm supost to do~ Am i supost to set sail on my ship and do uh...Stuff?
oh yeah, the game has both land and sea combat, tho i haven't tried any just yet~
The character customization is pretty good~ nothing amazing but good~ when you pick a begginer city, you can (and if you play this game, you will) choose Lisbon (that's Portugal~) wich is really nice~ Cause i don't think i have played a game in wich i could wander around Portugal~And the developers really did their research~Lisbon really looks portuguese! I assume the same happens in the other places~
Since i don't understand much of the game just yet~I guess i won't be able to to tell you guys much more about it...So if i learn something i'll post it here~
Meanwhile you guys can check :

Runes of Magic
This game was nice too~It has a dual class system that allows you to have two classes in the same character, so you can make as many combinations as you want~ (Warrior+cleric, Mage+cleric, etc.)
Boom said he got bored of it quickly because it looked and played so much like World of Warcraft, so I guess for those who would like to try Wow could play this to get an impression(?)
Kitte-nii stated he didn't enjoy the graphics very much , I think he's too picky


Lost Saga
Don't be fooled by the oh-so-dramatic title this game is about cute brawling! Somewhat similiar to S4 there's rooms ,lobbies, game modes etc.
With 27 avaible classes (30 in the korean version + Sol badguy!! Yes! That Sol badguy )
So yeah, be it unlocking new heroes (keep in mind that they all have time limits,but you can get them back again, by either shopping them or recive them from battles) or just having fun, you're sure not to get bored with this game!

And that's all folks! If you want to add something to the list just say so~ even if its just a bit more of information or fixing a typo or a grammatical error~

Edited by Flans are delicious - 23/10/2010, 14:14
view post Posted on 9/10/2010, 07:45

Wow, you really did your research. I remember I wanted to try Valkarie Sky when you first told me about it. I forget why I didn't...hmm...maybe it wasn't out then? or...was turned off from the graphics? not sure, but I might try it out.
Flans are delicious
view post Posted on 9/10/2010, 11:36

kekeke~Thanks, I'll add more when I remmenber about more games~ And yeah i remenber how you wanted to try it too...but i think i told you something that made you want to quit ? i dunno ~
2 replies since 8/10/2010, 21:21   1184 views